Sunday, August 27, 2006

Saturday 27 August - Valiant Efforts

Well I am sure everyone is wondering how the Right Hand Drive team is fairing. Saturday was supposed to be the last day of shooting, but anyone who has been following the burndown graphs will know that Saturday was an ambitious goal. Here is the burndown graph for the end of Saturday. The team tried very hard to make it, but they missed by one scene / 3 pages.

What this means is that shooting will finish up with scene 60 next Tuesday. Scene 60 is an important confrontational scene between Evan and Sri. The reason that shooting is not continuing today or tomorrow (Sunday or Monday) is because Monday is a holiday and the cast and crew were looking forward to a nice three-day weekend. Shooting on Saturday had already spoiled a three-day weekend so taking away another day was out of the question.

Despite one scene left, there is still a wrap party tonight. I expect a good time will be had by all.

In other developments Jim arrived home safely Saturday afternoon. He brought me a hug from Nicola... sigh.


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