Saturday, August 19, 2006

Friday 18 August – Last day at Packwater Gospel Hall

Shooting today was from 11am – 11pm and it sounded like another tough day on the set. More rain, more tired people, and more crises.

The good:

  • The caterers loaned a tent so that Video Village could set up in relative luxury isolated from the elements;
  • 4 4/8 pages completed;
  • Liz back on the job with only some strained ligaments from her accident;
  • A two day break starts tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday off).

The bad:

  • It rained most of the day;
  • An outdoor scene had to be move indoors due to the rain;
  • Did not finish an important scene at the church location. They will have to come back at a later time to pick up that scene.
  • [Daily crisis] Today was the caterers last day. Apparently there was some disagreement today about catering that was severe enough that they will not be returning.

So after today there are only 6 more days of shooting. I am reminded of something that Fionn said at the very beginning of the shoot that a film shoot is like a marathon and you need to pace yourself. As the cast and crew move into the home stretch you can really see some of that fatigue setting in. Mark reports that he sees some fatigue setting in with some of the actors even. Also when I spoke with Mark it sounded like he was coming down with a cold. I am sure that the schedule and stress is wearing.

I am not sure what the contingency plans are to pick up some of the missed scenes, but I do know that Mark really does not shoot beyond next Saturday (26 August)

Here is the burndown graph for today:


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